Q & A

  • Monique is a certified Sound Healer and has studied gong and flumie playing with Bear Love and his partner Shion. She is a certified B Love flumie instructor. Monique is the only certified B Love flumie instructor and player in the country.

    Monique draws on this training and her experience as an expressive arts therapist and massage professional.

    Monique began using sound soon after starting her massage business in 1991. Her first sound instruments were Himalayan singing bowls and tingsha’s, quickly realizing they served as a kind of doorway into deeper states of relaxation.

    Monique has explored how injuries, illness and challenging life events affects the nervous system. In turn this increases stress levels by putting limitations on our abilities, effecting mood, behavior and relationships.

    As her career as a therapist and bodyworker continued she found the modality of sound to be deep, direct, and immediate.

    Monique continues to go deep into the world of sound and healing.

    Monique has a BFA for the School of Visual Arts, NY and a Masters in expressive arts therapy from Lesley University, MA.

  • You will Lie comfortably on a heated massage table or on a yoga mat. Blankets, eye masks and pillows are all available so you can be comfortable during your experience.

    You may be guided to settle in to yourself and the experience by taking some slow deep breaths.

    After the session you may choose to rest in quietness or to ask questions or talk about your experience.

  • Gongs had be played in a variety of ways. They can be struck with a mallet or stroked with a vibration mallet.

    Flumies are a type of vibration mallet that produces everything from meditative sounds, drone sounds and whale/dolphin sounds.

    I use mostly flumies in my gong play, with mallets used at selective intervals.

    I do not play loud and hard. My gong play is very focused, listening to each ‘sentence’ of the gong, listening for what’s meaningful, soulful and connected and giving that space to breath and be heard.

    I play to evoke a journey, a place where participans can deeply relax and see where the journey takes them.

  • Click here to go to my booking system. Click on ‘book now’, an scroll down to the service of your choice.

  • Click here and choose the event you’d like to attend. These events are at my swampscott studio unless they say otherwise. These are small 6-person max events.

  • Absolutely! I love playing for large corporate wellness events and any size private or public events. Private and public events can be held at my studio or your location.

    Contact me via text or email to discuss details.

    Unless the event is in my studio, Each participant brings their own yoga mat, blanket, pillow and eye pillow.

  • A sound bath is a full-body meditative experience where attendees are “bathed” in sound waves. These waves are produced by the intentional use of sound and vibrational instruments such as gongs, Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, percussion, chimes, rattles, rain sticks and discs and even the human voice itself.

    While guided meditation uses speaking to guide a person through a meditative state, sound baths use music and instruments to provide the guidance. Not only are Sound Baths a great de-stressor, but they are perfect for those who have difficulty with meditation and can also be a great introduction for novice meditators! The effects of a Sound Bath anre instant, while with other types of meditation, one might have to practice consistently for a few weeks or months to feel the same kind of effect.

    The sound doesn’t have a catchy melody or rhythm like you’d experience at a rock concert or symphony but, instead, is a carefully selected wash of instrument and voice often with notable resonance and overtones.

    “The intention is really to change and help balance the energy of the participants. During a sound bath, you don’t want to hook into a melody. You don’t want to repeat things because you don’t want the brain to recognize a repeated beat. Instead, you want participants to release, and you want the brain to let go,” explains Tamalyn Miller, the lead sound practitioner at Natuopathia Chelsea in NYC.

    A Sound Bath allows brain waves to slow down, shifting from an active state to a relaxed or dreamlike state. The sounds introduced during a Sound Bath are an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli, to invite deep rest, letting go and journeying.

  • A Gong Bath is unique in that it uses only gongs rather than a combination of instruments. Gong baths are rarer but are my true love in the world of sound.

    Participants can often go deeper in a gong bath, finding the sounds soothing, without interruption or end.

    A variety of mallets, friction mallets and flumies are used to create deep resonance, overtones, and wonderful dolphin, whale and other-worldly sounds. Monique has a 34” and 40” gong, each with their own voice, personalities and magic..

  • Absolutely!

    In my studio I have most of what you need to make you comfortable but you’re welcome to bring whatever you like.

    If the event is outside my studio, each participant will bring a yoga mat and whatever else they’d ike to be comfortable. Usually that’s a blanket, pillow and eye mask.

  • Each child is different.

    Some can lie still comfortably for an hour while others may become fidgety and disturb the experience for others. You know your child best.

  • Keep in mind that deep states of consciousness can be mistaken for sleep. Check in with yourself to see how you feel and what you experienced. However, falling asleep may be exactly what you need! Snoring can be disruptive for others so you will be gently nudged awake if this happens.

  • If you have any reservations, I recommend you trust your guidance and ask your doctor.

    many find the sound deeply relaxing and restorative.

  • Many people find it either diffcult to reach a meditative state and/or love to experience a calm, quiet, meditative state. Sound gently and effortlessly carries us to this state of mind.

    Research has shown them to reduce stress and anxiety, lower tension, fatigue, heart rate, depression, pain and anger, increase positive mood and overall sense of well-being.

    Nikola Tesla

    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

    Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A., C.N.S.T. Diplomate, Director of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research at The California Institute for Human Science

    “Since the human body is over seventy percent water and since sound travels five times more efficiently through water than through air, sound frequency stimulation directly into the body is a highly efficient means for total body stimulation, especially at the cellular level. Direct stimulation of living cellular tissue using sound frequency vibration has shown marked cellular metabolism and therefore a possible mobilization of a cellular healing response”

    Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., former Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York and author of The Healing Power of Sound.

    “Music can have a powerful salutary effect on our cardio- vascular, immune, and nervous systems, not to mention our emotional and spiritual selves.”

    “Sounds permeate our systems, resonating with our essence, so that inner chaos, conflict, and dissonance seem almost immediately to be transformed into harmony.”

    “I believe unequivocally – and I’ve seen for myself the proof – that the use of sound is among the most powerful modalities ever embraced by twentieth-century practitioners.”

    “Through the process of entrainment, sound can transform negative, repressed emotions into a state of psychological equanimity that has direct and immediate effects on our physiology. Sonic entrainment can also restore harmony between our innermost selves – our essence and the universe, thus re-awakening our spiritual consciousness.”

    “When properly mobilized, sound can specifically entrain the human organism toward the greater harmony and homeostasis that it requires to remain vibrant and to regenerate after injury or illness. The properties of sound medicine -entrainment, harmony and homeostasis- represent the rational AND spiritual foundation for a new movement in the healing arts and sciences.”

    “Sound and music can help you develop your own intuitions which, in turn, can help you with your own healing. The human capacity for intuition and its effects on the body, on relationships, and on one’s environment is not grounded on the occult or esoterica, but rather in hard scientific investigation by some of the great minds of physics and philosophy.”

    “If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiological functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”

    Andrew Weil, M.D., author, lecturer and founder of the Program in Integrative Medicine in Tucson, Arizona.

    “The new science of psychacoustics — the study of the effect of music and sound on the human nervous system — shows that [frequency] can relieve pain, help stroke patients, and benefit other conditions.”

    Deepak Chopra, M.D., author, lecturer, founder of the Chopra Foundation

    “The body is held together by sound, and the presence of disease indicates that some sounds are out of tune… primordial sound is the mysterious link that holds the universe together in a web that is the quantum field.”

  • Feel free to text me at 781-576-0273